Angry Metal Mail

Angry Metal Mail

Angry Metal Mail

We don’t get a lot of hate mail here at Angry Metal Guy. As I said in the previous incarnation of Angry Metal Mail, “Because we have a good system for commenting, most of the venting, whining, and misdirected anger at childhood traumas and inability to perform in bed gets left in our comment boxes where we can respond to the person directly or where others can respond (with public shaming).” However, in this case, the person didn’t send the mail to me in regards to a post I’d made, but instead a comment I made at Blabbermouth. Here, I’ll let you read it.

Angry Metal Mail

Angry Metal Mail

We don’t get a ton of hate mail. Because we have a good system for commenting, most of the venting, whining, and misdirected anger at childhood traumas and inability to perform in bed gets left in our comment boxes where we can respond to the person directly or where others can respond (with public shaming). But every once in a while we get hate mail, and I thought I’d post this one because the pussy who sent it to me decided to air his poor taste only privately and anonymously. Well, we here at Angry Metal Guy brook no such behavior. If you’re going to be a moron, you get to do it in public.