
Dödfödd – Stigma Review

Dödfödd – Stigma Review

“As a genre, metal leaves a lot of room for interpretation and experimentation. I don’t just mean in the sense of avant-garde metal, but rather in the sense of applying that heavy metal feeling to not-quite-metal music. An easy example that comes to mind is Celestite, the drone-heavy, trance-like fifth album from Wolves in the Throne Room, a band that otherwise spends its time making heavy-hitting, folk-infused black metal. Predictably, Celestite is a rather love-it-or-hate-it album, as is wont to happen when black metal musicians conjure up the nerve to create music that isn’t black metal.” Stigmatic.

Python – Astrological Warfare Review

Python – Astrological Warfare Review

“It has become all too apparent that I do not learn from my mistakes. People warned me since childhood never to trust a snake, and yet Python will mark the second time I picked promo based solely on my love for those slithery danger noodles. I’ve learned my lesson this time for sure, though. Never in my life have I encountered a shit-tastrophe as rank as Astrological Warfare, the band’s ill-conceived sophomore record.” Twice bitten.

Reverorum ib Malacht – Im Ra Distare Summum Soveris Seris Vas innoble Review

Reverorum ib Malacht – Im Ra Distare Summum Soveris Seris Vas innoble Review

“When a band, such as Sweden’s Reverorum ib Malacht, takes on a slant when it comes to lyrical matter and atmosphere, my curiosity gets the better of me, and on their fourth album, the wordy Im Ra Distare Summum Soveris Seris Vas innoble, I tossed caution to the wind, and embraced the thought of unblack metal with an open mind, and an open heart…” Open heart, insert foot.