Operation: Courtcase

Queensrÿche vs. Queensrÿche: Trial of the Century

Queensrÿche vs. Queensrÿche: Trial of the Century

During the past year or so, I’ve found myself in a situation where I work from home, and generally don’t venture out much. Typically, people like this are called “housewives” and watch daytime television to keep them from focusing on their own miserable lives. Unfortunately, I don’t fit that description, and I demand a little more from my daily distractions. You see, I have a need within me to see good things happen to good people, and more importantly, to see really bad things happen to people who are assholes. And the thing that’s been getting me through the day for the past 10 months is the endless drama of Queensryche vs. Geoff Tate.” Join Mr. Fisting as he runs you through the drama, the diva and the saliva. Basically, it’s like the whole O.J. Simpson thing, but with more guyliner.