
Reverorum ib Malacht – De Mysteriis Dom Christi Review

Reverorum ib Malacht – De Mysteriis Dom Christi Review

“As many metal fans know, Anti-Cosmic Satanism is the life blood of many black metal bands. Some use it as lyrical content and some as a life philosophy. While I’m not going to delve into the Misanthropic Luciferian Order/Temple of the Black Light, I will point out that it has sharp contrasts to not only LaVeyan Satanism but also to Christianity and Catholicism. You might be wondering, “Doc, what the fuck does this have to do with the current review?” My question to you would be, “how the fuck does a band cemented in anti-cosmic philosophy jump ship and take up Catholicism?”” Wait, who did what now? Oh boy, the fecal matter is about to hit the proverbial oscillation device.