Have a Mërry Little AMG Christmäs

Last Christmas, they gave us the plague
And the very next year, it’s still fucking here

This year, we need much more cheer
And that’s why this blog’s so special

Once brvtal and twice trve
You need our takes on everything that’s new
Tell us, n00by, can you write reviews?
Well you’ve been a bust, so now you are stew

“Angry metal,” we wrapped it up and branded it
with a note saying “Read or Die”, we meant it!
Now you know where your bread is buttered
And if you have other blogs, you all will be slaughtered

A crowded skull pit, drones with bleary eyes
We’re helping you, to put your library right
And we expect total reader loyalty
Well, we’ll settle for clicks and half-ass commentary

From the staff of AMG to all of you, have a very Merry Christmas and a very metal 2022!

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