Dinosaur Warfare – Legend of the Power Saurus

Victorius – Dinosaur Warfare – Legend of the Power Saurus EP Review

Victorius – Dinosaur Warfare – Legend of the Power Saurus EP Review

“I hate how the paleontological community has degraded the popular image of dinosaurs in recent years. It’s not that I disagree with their theories – I’m no scientist, and I’m not about to dispute countless hours of research performed by people who actually know what they’re talking about – but I’m still disappointed, because imagining a Tyrannosaurus rex as a big fucking chicken and a tender lover absolutely shatters the mystique of my childhood obsession. So you know what, Victorius? Go right ahead. Strap laser beams to their frickin’ heads. Refer to them as “epic war machines” fighting a “holy war” against “alien scum.”” Saur spots.