Labyrinth Constellation

Kronos’ Top Ten(ish) of 2014

Kronos’ Top Ten(ish) of 2014

“Through my own charm, genius and palpable immodesty, I have single-handedly, along with Grymm, convinced the Angry Metal Elders to grant me a big boy year-end list. My year’s tenure in the catacombs of AMG headquarters has proved fruitful beyond measure thanks not only to my brilliant colleagues and our dedicated readers…” Pretty much anybody gets a list these days. There goes the neighborhood!

Stuck in the Filter – February’s Angry Misses

Stuck in the Filter – February’s Angry Misses

“In the first of what will (hopefully) be a monthly column, Stuck in the Filter will shine a light on a handful of albums that didn’t get proper love upon release date. So, without further chatter, here’s some quick samples and quicker blurbs on some notable releases that didn’t get the full five-hundred.” In any given month, mistakes are made and things are missed. To partially ameliorate this unavoidable fact of life, we delve into the greasy, unclean filter of the AMG promo bin. Wear your gloves.