Pulchra Morte

Bones – Diseased Review

Bones – Diseased Review

“Everybody knows a local band like Chicago’s Bones. If you attend small scale metal shows in your vicinity with any sort of regularity, you know them well: a groove oriented death metal band, often fresh off work, that seems to open every show regardless of whether they fit the bill. This results in often hilarious pairings, including my recent bewilderment at Kansas City’s death/doomsters Pulchra Morte opening for Gloryhammer of all bands. Bones is the very embodiment of that same working class energy, but as they fall under the eclectic umbrella of Transcending Obscurity, curveballs are to be expected.” Boning it in.

Pulchra Morte – Divina Autem Et Aniles Review

Pulchra Morte – Divina Autem Et Aniles Review

“When a metal musician says he’s been thinking about death, it’s easy to dismiss this as a given. Like, yeah dude. It comes with the territory. You’re wearing a t-shirt with twelve skulls on it. But when Jason Barron talks about the low point that led to the creation of Pulchra Morte—meaning “beautiful death”—things sound more serious: ‘I was going through an extremely dark time in my personal life… severe depression… complete and total loss.’ Barron, a veteran of the St. Louis, MO metal scene, recalls writing what would become the first song on Divina Autem Et Aniles. It was about an individual ‘composing his own epitaph, completely accepting his own failure, giving up.'” Darkness and divine inspiration.