The Calm Hunter

Isole – The Calm Hunter Review

Isole – The Calm Hunter Review

“What’s with all these “calm” themed titles lately. We had The Calm Hatchery a few weeks back and now this. For whatever reason I always read them as “clam,” which results in unintended hilarity. I mean, who hunts a freaking clam, right? They’re mollusks and just lay around waiting to be harvested. I live on an island so I know of what I speak. Anyway, this band is made up of the same guys that bring you the excellently blackened Viking metal of Ereb Altor. Isole is their traditional doom project, though it also has more than a little epic Vikingness running through its cold Norse veins.” Does your holiday wish list include melodic doom? If so, shove this in your stocking, chug some yule ale and get in the spirit.