
Bloodbox – Post Human Disorder Review

Bloodbox – Post Human Disorder Review

Bloodbox don’t give two fucks about convention, throwing the ole rule book out the window in favor of chopped-up experimentation and a mangled deconstruction of their grind-infused industrial core. These mysterious masked avengers tip their hats to their rabid punky roots of old school grind, while bringing to mind the industrial grind assault of Aussie alchemists, The Berzerker.” Put your hand in this box.

Antigama – Whiteout Review

Antigama – Whiteout Review

Antigama, at this point, is an institution of modern grind. The perennial contender, these Polish riff-junkies, ever solid in their strangeness, continue to litter the basin of the great grindpile in hopes to build a mound of filth worthy of the crown. As such, Antigama, in that traditional Polish underdog spirit, persists.” Embrace the grindpile.

Nurser – Nurser Review

Nurser – Nurser Review

“On their self-titled debut, Nurser compress all the bile and venom they can muster into 17 minutes of brooding malevolence, punctuated by psychotic outbursts of rage. This combination of down-pace, creeping dread, driven by heavily fuzzed, static-laced guitars paired with savage eruptions of pummeling drums and death riffs, gives Nurser an unnerving unpredictability.” Nurse racket.

Wormlight – Nightmother Review

Wormlight – Nightmother Review

Nightmother is a malevolent ode to the “unholy feminine.” The band promises an “opus bereft of the warmth of the womb” and a “sublime and bacchanal celebration of matriarchal sovereignty.” I’m not 100% sure what this all means, but it looks suitably fun and debauched. The sound Wormlight employs is a (relatively) accessible form of melodic black metal.” Happy Nightmother’s Day!