Onism Productions

Teitan – In Oculus Abyss Review

Teitan – In Oculus Abyss Review

“Even if it’s not so prevalent now, part of black metal’s original aims was to shock, subvert, and make uncomfortable. Metal fans and horror aficionados alike, among others, are privy to the thrills of art that disquiets, and sends a shiver up the spine. Teitan—the solo project of Dutch multi-instrumentalist Devi Hisgen of Marquis and Cthuluminati—seems to attempt exactly this.” Fear as fun.

Thermohaline – Maelström Review

Thermohaline – Maelström Review

“Thanks to that one boozy pirate-themed power metal band whose name rhymes with “Sail Dorm,” it’s difficult to take oceanic themed albums seriously. There are plenty of bands that have torn it up, Ahab showcasing mammoth waves with their breed of crushing funeral doom, Isis displaying the uncaring expanse with shoegaze-y post-metal, and Firtan and Déluge offering some respective symphonic black and post-black to reflect he majesty of the oceans. Scrolling through my black metal collection and each album’s respective themes goes something like this: winter, winter, occult, winter, occult, occult, evil, winter, etc. Oceanic-themed black metal is few and far between, and you’d be hard-pressed to find the good stuff. Will Thermohaline kickstart a new trend or will it end up drowning in its own ambition?” The sea was angry that day, my fiends.