Black as Coal

Vendetta – Black as Coal Review

Vendetta – Black as Coal Review

“While the other German thrash bands of the time were branching out into their unique sounds, Vendetta rooted themselves in a Bay Area sound akin to Metallica. And like old-school Metallica, what made those albums great was Klaus Ullrich’s impressive bass presence. Brain Damage, in particular, is a concise record with ripping guitar work, impressive Steve DiGiorgio-level bass work, and the quirky but lovable vocals of Daxx Hömerlein. Fast forward to 2007, and the band is back. Ullrich surrounded himself with a new lineup for that year’s comeback record, Hate. Since then, Vendetta has been cranking out albums, but none have been the comeback we wanted. That said, they have the chops to create something great. Will it be Black as Coal?” Back for wengeance.