
Disminded – The Vision Review

Disminded – The Vision Review

“”Disinter” means to remove a corpse from the ground. “Disembowel” means to remove someone’s internal organs. And “dismember” means to remove someone’s limbs (which is, presumably, followed at some point by both a disemboweling and a disinterring). So what do we make of Disminded? I think we can accurately assume from the truly metal prefix that we’re dealing with another type of removal altogether. One that is less physical and more mental. And probably just as costly when the medical bill comes due. But far from being just another AMG word of the day, Disminded is also death metal quintet with thrash tendencies hailing from Germany. On their third album The Vision, we’re treated to a double beat down of thrashened intensity and deathened brutality. But does such an onslaught truly cost the listener their mind?” Mind over splatter.