The Warriors Awakening Brings The Unholy Slaughter

Eternal Evil – The Warriors Awakening Brings The Unholy Slaughter Review

Eternal Evil – The Warriors Awakening Brings The Unholy Slaughter Review

“Some bands are infuriating. I don’t think that comes as a surprise to anyone who reads a blog called “Angry Metal Guy,” but the point still stands. Certain bands seem to have a knack for getting your blood boiling, and not in the “flipping merch tables you’re having so much fun” kind of way. Often, this can be put down to one simple, rage-inducing attribute: wasted potential. It comes in many forms: phoned-in performances, lazy writing, creative stagnation, poor production, and the list goes on. When it comes to The Warriors Awakening Brings The Unholy Slaughter, the first full-length from Stockholm-based thrash/speed outfit Eternal Evil, this abiding truism is the reason I’m seeing red (and this time I can’t blame it on a rash).” Speed kills.