
Dvne – Voidkind Review

Dvne – Voidkind Review

“In terms of quality, if not international recognition, Dvne has undergone what one could describe as a meteoric rise. Debut Asheran barged onto my list that year on the heels of my glowing TYMHM article. Sophomore Etemen Ænka went bigger, more expansive, and did so successfully, showcasing an astonishing array of performances and songwriting prowess. All this praise from yours truly hasn’t gone unnoticed, either, as Dvne has quickly become a fan favorite in this corner of the internet, and the band’s hanging with the big boys over at Metal Blade. The hype for Voidkind has been understandably unreal, but is the third time still the charm when both prior times were full-blown knock-outs?” Void unkind?