
Soulfly – Archangel Review

Soulfly – Archangel Review

“Another day, another album from Max Cavalera. Soulfly’s latest offering, Archangel, arrives just 22 months after its predecessor Savages, during which time Max also released a Cavalera Conspiracy album and participated in the supergroup Killer Be Killed. Now, you if you’re thinking, “Gee, Dr. Fisting, that sure sounds like an awful lot of releases for a guy who’s also touring most of the time! I wonder if that affects the quality of the music,” you might be onto something.” Not everyone is cut out to be Vardan.

Lamb of God – VII: Sturm Und Drang Review

Lamb of God – VII: Sturm Und Drang Review

“As post-Pantera flagbearers for delivering modern American metal to the masses, Virginia’s Lamb of God has garnered similar levels of commercial success and popularity while keeping their heads above water as their profile has snowballed. Even in the face of inevitable detractors, Lamb of God’s workmanlike dedication and impressive work ethics on the road has firmly established the divisive veterans as one of metal’s most (commercially) adored and successful bands during the post-millennium era.” Is this a new beginning or the Lamb of La Mancha?

Sacri Monti – Sacri Monti Review

Sacri Monti – Sacri Monti Review

“Vibrant green fields, replete with young men and women frolicking with each other in their natural environment, adorned with flowers and flowing locks. Loose-fitting headbands and azure jeans which gently swell at the bottom. A world of love where acceptance is life, difference is disregarded and war is abhorrent. And drugs. A fucking shitload of drugs.” Get off my lawn, you hippies!

DarkTribe – The Modern Age Review

DarkTribe – The Modern Age Review

“It’s difficult to shake the feeling that among all of metal’s subgenres, power metal remains the one that refuses to grow up, stuck forever in an adolescent state. Barring a few bands, the power metal scene might as well still be living in the middle of the nineties, when StratovariusVisions had just been released, Nightwish were kind of relevant, and Symphony of Enchanted Lands, by that Italian band that used to be known simply as Rhapsody, lurked around the corner.” Ah, the 90s were the good old days for 80s style power metal.

Yellowtooth – Crushed by the Wheels of Progress Review

Yellowtooth – Crushed by the Wheels of Progress Review

“There’s an amusing irony at the start of Yellowtooth’s sophomore platter of extra heavy stoner rock. It begins with a sound clip from Open Range – arguably the most glacially paced western gunfight movie ever made. It’s so slow, the protagonists actually engage in a protracted round of shopping for candy and chinaware on their way to the climactic shoot out. By comparison, Yellowtooth is quick to pulls out the Heavy Stick and bash away until you resemble a victim of its brother, the Ugly Stick.” Open up and say RAAAARRRR!

Indesinence – III Review

Indesinence – III Review

“Whenever I say the words “endurance test,” what does that do to you, dear reader? Do you think of 26.2 mile marathons across metropolises like Boston, or even out in the barren sticks of Arizona? Do they bring back memories of reading books like War & Peace in the time span of a few days, in hopes that the book report will somehow miraculously score higher than the “C” you earned due to poor planning?” I think of sitting through any late period Metallica album.

Between the Buried and Me – Coma Ecliptic Review

Between the Buried and Me – Coma Ecliptic Review

“It’s been three years since North Carolina’s most ambitious prog troupe polished off their Parallax album duo, which means fans will have had time to listen through the past two LPs about twice in total. In the proud tradition of sensu stricto prog rock and metal, Between the Buried and Me have churned out predictably wacky and bombastic rock operas for the past decade and a half and show no sign of slowing down, grounding themselves, or learning how to write songs.” Prog is a mighty sticky wicket.

Jungle Rot – Order Shall Prevail Review

Jungle Rot – Order Shall Prevail Review

“Looking at my calendar whilst putting my finishing touches on this review, it’s one day after the official release date of Jungle Rot’s latest record Order Shall Prevail and the digital presses have ceased for the day. Some slight lateness matters little; the album’s been up for streaming, and those interested have doubtlessly heard it already and those uninterested have continued not to care one iota about its existence. Jungle Rot produces a specific type of music that caters solely to their established audience, and Order Shall Prevail doesn’t mess with the formula.” The lords of Neanderthal death are back, if you care.

Burning Point – Burning Point Review

Burning Point – Burning Point Review

“Finland’s Burning Point was always a tolerable “also ran” in the Euro-power sweepstakes, with several decent but unremarkable albums full of by-the-book melodic speed. 2012s The Ignitor however, benefitted from a heavier, meaner sound and had vastly superior writing. It became a dark horse favorite of mine and it’s the only album of theirs I go back to. When news reached me that Battle Beast’s original singer, Nitte Valo was coming aboard along with two other new members, I was unsure whether to celebrate or despair.” Something’s burning and the smell is troubling.

Chaos Magic – Chaos Magic Review

Chaos Magic – Chaos Magic Review

“Timo Tolkki is a busy chap. Sure, he isn’t Vardan busy, but I don’t begrudge anyone time to enjoy of deep vacations, not even the former mastermind of Stratovarius. While maintaining his Timo Tolkki’s Avalon project and manning the writing desk for the Allen/Lande albums, you’d think the man would be all tied up. Yet he found time to team with Chilean songbird Caternia Nix to create Chaos Magic, a mega-melodic goth-metal outfit looking to horn in on the sales of Within Temptation, Sirenia and all the other rack metal denizens.” There’s no chaos to see here, move along.