Death Metal

Ghost Brigade – IV – One With the Storm Review

Ghost Brigade – IV – One With the Storm Review

Ghost Brigade are tough to neatly pigeonhole into a specific genre. Their early material was definitely post-metal/post-hardcore, but as they matured their sound evolved to include doom, gothic rock, alternative music and slight touches of black metal and prog. By the time they released Until Fear No Longer Defines Us, their style was quite the interesting stew of influences, yet their music remained accessible, direct and highly emotional.” Lineup changes abound, so does the classic sound stick around? We have…the DEETS!

Obake – Mutations Review

Obake – Mutations Review

“Even a quick glance over Obake’s international lineup will tell you that this is not your run-of-the-mill extreme metal band. Nope, the musicians involved in this band are not metal musicians in the traditional sense.” Since we started the day with non-metal weirdness, let’s continue the trend with Obake.

Oraculum – Sorcery of the Damned Review

Oraculum – Sorcery of the Damned Review

“I’ll be the first to admit that I truly enjoy the old school death metal (OSDM) revival that seems to have been going on forever in the metal scene. That said, it does have its fair share of problems. Too often bands hopping on the OSDM train will focus on and nail down the cavernous murk that helped define classics like Onward to Golgotha and Diabolical Conquest, but forget that atmosphere was only half the battle…” The OSDM train just keeps chooglin on down the line, but do you still want a ticket to ride?

Sidious – Revealed in Profane Splendour Review

Sidious – Revealed in Profane Splendour Review

“When you spend six years together, playing in each others’ bands and various side projects, it’s assumed that you get a strong feel of what each member is capable of bringing forth in a relatively new project. With each member also a part of the great UK doom/death outfit Eye of Solitude, Sidious has the distinct advantage of years of camaraderie and musical experiences together under their belt.” Lots of time in the tour fan can be a good thing, or lead to…complications. Which shall it be for this crew?

Beyond Creation – Earthborn Evolution Review

Beyond Creation – Earthborn Evolution Review

“If you’ve never heard Beyond Creation’s début The Aura, honestly, what are you doing with your life? Are you happy with who you are? Because you damn well shouldn’t be. The Aura is, and I have no reservations in saying this, the best death metal début since Onset of Putrefaction. It also might be the best technical/progressive death metal album this decade has yet to offer. Out of complete fucking nowhere, a bunch of flaxen-locked French-Canadians self-released what might just be the pinnacle of modern tech-death. It’s brutal, it’s heavy, it’s overpowering, astonishing, and inventive, yet there also exists nuance, care, and maturity in the writing and performances that is completely unparalleled. The album is damn near perfect. This means, sadly, that Earthborn Evolution is doomed from the start.” Well, that seems pretty darn unfair!

Obituary – Inked In Blood Review

Obituary – Inked In Blood Review

“Way back when Obituary were big, they delivered the kind of ripping death metal that rivaled Florida peers Malevolent Creation, Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel and Deicide. To say that they once peeled the skin from your face is no understatement… think back to the pungent stench of Slowly We Rot and Cause of Death. It was them along with Winter that first incorporated the Celtic Frost dirge element into death metal, and when combined with John Tardy’s lunatic vocals left you wondering whether music could get any heavier.” The old boys are back to kill once again, but are the tools still sharp enough?

Abysmal Dawn – Obsolesence Review

Abysmal Dawn – Obsolesence Review

“Those readers familiar with my reviews may have guessed that I have a bone to pick with modern death metal. In reality, it’s more like a small skeleton. I love death metal, and I’m no retro-fanatic, but the vast majority of death metal that’s been made this decade is about as inventive and impactful as a marshmallow gun. The genre has always risked stagnation through competition, but as of late it’s a pissing contest between dozens of bands trying to be more technical, more brutal, and louder than everyone else, and none of them succeed.” The wrath of Kronos is terrible to behold when it comes to sub par death. Can Abysmal Dawn sooth the savage beast that dwells in his jaded heart?

Horrified – Descent into Putridity Review

Horrified – Descent into Putridity Review

“Before my move to Japan six months ago, I spent many happy years in England’s North East, feasting on stotties and Craster kippers while participating enthusiastically in the unique drinking culture. The metal scene there is really rather good, though recently not many of the bands have made much of a splash outside the region save for pagan black metallers Wodensthrone. When I saw we’d received a promo from Newcastle-based Horrified, then, I jumped at the chance to review it.” Old school death by way of England isn’t always an easy trip.

Encoffination – III-Hear Me O’ Death (Sing Thou Wretched Choirs) Review

Encoffination – III-Hear Me O’ Death (Sing Thou Wretched Choirs) Review

“It’s no surprise death is such a common theme in metal. Whether through global religious institutions or personal musings on mortality, it’s something we struggle with both individually and as a society, a looming black unknown that begs questions about what happens when we pass on. Encoffination, however, do not ponder questions of life and death. Instead, the duo work within the mausoleum of extreme doom metal to embrace death head-on….” Death is as death does.

Bloodshot Dawn – Demons Review

Bloodshot Dawn – Demons Review

Bloodshot Dawn appeared in 2012 brandishing a sword whose fiery arc emblazoned their thrash-influenced melodic death metal into the skies. Their self-titled debut impressed many and was hailed as a unique and creative offering in a genre that’s been riddled with Soilwork clones for the last decade. Now, they’re returning with their second-most creatively named album Demons, and with a moniker that inventive, one has to wonder if they’re falling victim to the much maligned ‘sophomore slump.’” Well, that’s an original album title.