Mustaine the Conspiracy Theorist

The Norwegian journalist who Mustaine is all pissed off at has posted all 25 minutes of their interview online and I’d like you to watch the first few minutes of it, up to the part where he starts talking about Metallica. Pay close attention to what he’s saying about 9/11 being an inside job and all that. I know already I’m going to take a shit-ton of heat for this post, but I gotta say it.

Hypocrisy – A Taste of Extreme Divinity

Hypocrisy – A Taste of Extreme Divinity

Hypocrisy – A Taste of Extreme Divinity Rating: 3.5/5.0 Label: Nuclear Blast (EU | USA) Website(s): | Release Date(s): USA: 11.3.2009 | EU: 23.10.2009 Hypocrisy is a band that should need no introduction in the world of modern death metal. But, surprisingly to me, many in the American scene still are not aware […]

Ov Hell

Ov Hell

The big news from Indie Records that I received in my inbox today was that Shagrath (Dimmu Borgir) and King (ex-Gorgoroth, ex-God Seed) are forming a new black metal band called Ov Hell. Some of you will have read how I feel about the word “ov” before and now I feel like I have a […]

Opeth Bus Crash/Suicide

So according to Mikael Ãkerfeldt’s (Opeth/Bloodbath frontman) blog on MySpace someone apparently crashed into the tour bus (which he, Fredrik and Axe weren’t on because they had flown home early), in an apparent suicide attempt. It was somewhere on the road between Dublin and Brussels, but it doesn’t say where. The first post (entitled “No […]

Claustrofobia – I See Red Review

Claustrofobia – I See Red Rating: 2.5/5.0 – Drop the scale runs and make it shorter, and this would be a better album Label: Candlelight Website(s): Release Date(s): EU: 19.10.2009 | USA: Release date unclear Anyone who’s ever been a guitarist knows that guy who shames you. Well, maybe not everyone, ’cause sometimes you […]

Epica – Design Your Universe Review

Epica – Design Your Universe Review

Epica is a symphonic power metal/gothic metal band from the Netherlands that has really taken the scene and the world by storm since their founding in 2002 due to the amazing voice of their mezzo-soprano vocalist (who also happens to be a hotty, there are no coincidences in metal) Simone Simons and the epic *cough* nature of their music. Design Your Universe is the band’s fifth album, and honestly, the first one I’ve ever sat through assuming the band would be like a mix of old Theatre of Tragedy and Nightwish.

Marionette – Enemies Review

Marionette – Enemies Review

Marionette may well be Sweden’s very first deathcore band! Well, I guess there could be others, but i’ve not been exposed to them (and frankly, I’m pretty OK with that). Some trends miss Sweden, like nu-metal did for the most part, but unfortunately this one didn’t. So there are a couple of things that I need to say up front, for people not familiar with the context with which Marionette will be dealt. First, the biggest thing in the Swedish underground right now is Japanese stuff. Kids are running off and learning Japanese; everyone and their dog is listening to bands like Dir En Grey and girls decked out in lolita garb are running around in parks playing with dolls and having picnics with every piece of pink they can gather together. This is a trend, and it is a matter of conforming to specific things that are very specific to individuals in that scene. In fact, people from that scene are, in my experience, highly judgmental, obsessed with outward appearance, cliquey and lame. So something in my brain breaks when I have 5 over-dressed glam kids with too much hairspray and neckties screaming “YOU CONFORM!” at me, while playing music that sounds like a blend of In Flames and good ol’ American deathcore. That is to say: ugh.

Belphegor – Walpurgis Rites Review

Belphegor – Walpurgis Rites Review

Austria’s Belphegor are evil. Really, really evil. They have long been the darlings of the underground for a lot of people and had a reputation for being that old school brand of blackened death metal that was raw and evil as hell. Of course, as big evil pissing contests have never been my thing personally, Belphegor is a band that I have no personal experience with. This is actually the first album I’ve heard from these guys and so I’m coming at this from the perspective a total n00b. That’s right, I used the word n00b in my blog.

Baroness – Blue Record Streaming

Relapse Record’s Baroness have put up their new record Blue Record up for streaming on Myspace. I’d review it, but I’m a little bitter that these guys let lots of other people review it first and then want me to go to the streaming audio on their site to do the review. So, we’ll see. […]