Experimental Metal

Griiim – Pope Art Review

Griiim – Pope Art Review

“Once upon a time there was a dude named Maxime Taccardi. Max has a twisted and dark mind, and I fear it. His music is equally frightening, and it makes me uncomfortable. Yet, I can’t turn it off. Try as I might to fend it off his insidious vision haunts my imagination, conjuring the most depraved scenarios for me to weather. For Max, it seems, this place of nightmares which he creates represents the repugnant underbelly of his Paris home. And so he put all that we refuse to see inside the “most romantic city in the world” to music. Ladies and gentlemen, Griiim’s Pope Art.” Warhol’s twisted Id.

Heathe – On the Tombstones, the Symbols Engraved Review

Heathe – On the Tombstones, the Symbols Engraved Review

“Heathe’s On the Tombstone, the Symbols Engraved won’t be receiving radio airplay. As a continuous 37-minute track that loosely splits into three discernible sections, close attention is required to reveal the intricacies and technicalities. But it’s important that a band know how to develop intricacies and technicalities in an organic fashion for us, the dearest listeners, to stay focused and intrigued. It’s a hard task and usually, for me, this sort of recording technique can go either way.” Etched in sound.

Kollaps – Mechanical Christ Review

Kollaps – Mechanical Christ Review

“After a brief foray into familiar waters courtesy Shotgun Sawyer’s Led Zeppelin riffing, I’m taking a turn in murkier environs once again by visiting Australian industrial mavens Kollaps. If Kollaps are interested in imitating any band, it’s Author & Punisher. Many of their instruments -er, implements- are primitive handmade devices: scrap metal, springs, and other industrial waste.” Waste management.

Raketkanon – RKTKN#3 Review

Raketkanon – RKTKN#3 Review

“As Dr. Fisting and I sat on the floor outside the washroom at Angry Metal Guy Headquarters, quaffing the last of the Christmas party hobo wine, we agreed that, while folks these days might consider Raketkanon and their shtick kind of weird, back in 1994 the band would have been comfortably on stage opening for Faith No More. Their bizarre accouterments, kitschy stage shows, and (what seems to be, although I could be wrong) nonsensical lyrical dialect would be right at home in an Angel DustKing for a Day, Fool for a Lifetime era. That works for me: I love Faith No More, and more than that, I love bands that push the envelope and are willing to go on unexpected forays, even within single songs.” Freaks with a flag (and record deal)

Waste of Space Orchestra – Syntheosis Review

Waste of Space Orchestra – Syntheosis Review

“A certain thespian poise dominates throughout Syntheosis, the piece originally commissioned for Roadburn Festival 2018 and then turned into a proper studio recording. Highly conceptual, Waste of Space Orchestra narrate a quite demented story somewhere between magical realism and occult horror. The album develops intently and purposefully, tracing the lines of an imagined ritual and its performers, three mysterious creatures that aim ‘to open a portal that will suck them into a different reality of brain-mutilating color storms and ego-diminishing audio violence.’” Waste not, want more.